Tales I Remember

Tales I Remember book cover.

This book is a collection of stories and poems, divided into 4 separate sections: A Flirting Acquaintance, As I Was Saying, More Tales I Remember, and Poems.

In “A Flirting Acquaintance”, the author is almost painfully honest as he recounts personal experiences that include brushes with death, a period of depression, and a severe stroke.

However, Dr. Moss survived these encounters and has more stories to tell. In “As I Was Saying”, and “More Tales I Remember”, Basil Moss shares with us tales of his life, his family, and his friends. Some of the stories include his adventures with the Native Americans he grew up with in Oklahoma.

Receive a new book by contacting the author's daughter, Leslie Schulz, at leslie@websmartsystems.com. The price of the book is $22. $15 of this amount will be donated to the South Plains Food Bank and $7 will be used for shipping.